Turning East to See the Sunrise

Do you want to witness the rays of the beautiful sun as it rises in the morning and baths all things in red, pink, and yellow? Then you have to turn towards the East.

The point made here applies to all things that are good and desirable, including objective information. As a general rule, receiving sound and reliable information requires motivation and genuine efforts to find the truth about a given matter. Such efforts are more like “research”, rather than a casual “google search”.

When it comes to obtaining information from the internet, the difference in the outcome between genuine research and a casual search can be as far apart as the truth is from falsehood. Among the reasons, the first one is basic: the internet is fluid and uncontrolled, allowing anyone to contribute to it whether an expert or a layman. But another reason that is not known to most people is that the content of the internet and how search results are generated can be influenced by powerful entities or industries having stakes in driving public opinion towards certain directions. Even organizations that people generally trust can be, and often are, under pressure in how they word their official policy on a certain issue. It is no secret that many research studies are conducted where conclusions are forgone or clouded by conflicts of interest.

We can take, as an example, the effects of electromagnetic radiations (EMF/EMR) coming from cell towers, wireless devices, powerlines, etc. on people’s health. If you were to do an internet search on this, you will likely see results suggesting that “there is no evidence to support that EMFs have health effects” or “there is no conclusive evidence” about these being harmful. When one stops at that superficial information and goes no further, he has taken the bait and allowed himself to be content, unknowingly, with less than the truth. Little does he know that there is an enormous body of studies done by impartial scientists and researchers around the world who are not tied to the wireless industry that show documented evidence on adverse health effects of EMF. I plan to share some of those in future posts.

For now, the point I would like to bring home is that on any matter – whether it is EMF, naturopathic medicine, or any other subject – it is necessary to put some reasonable efforts in order to obtain objective information on a subject. Not doing so can mean forming a conclusion that is potentially largely incorrect if not entirely false.

I would like to end this post with a quote by a late physician whom I highly respect for his brilliance and sincerity who successfully treated many cancer patients using alternative therapies. He said in a lecture while discussing about some people’s doubts on naturopathic treatments:

“One of the things people say about alternative treatments is ‘where is the science?’ I say, well, if you don’t look for it you are not going to find it. If you don’t look East, you are not going to see the sunrise.”

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez

Whatever the subject of your inquiry, the very first question is how motivated are you in finding objective information on it? If you do not expend the necessary efforts, you may not get to find the whole truth, if at all.

I am a certified Building Biology Consultant and a certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist. To schedule an EMF assessment in your home or office, please click here or contact me at (301) 653-0056.

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