We try to keep our fees reasonable. For anyone who is financially constrained, we may reduce fees on a case by case basis. To request reduced fees, please submit the discount form.
1. EMF Phone Consultation
If you would like to speak to me regarding any EMF issues, please set up a consultation. Consultations are done via phone only. To setup a consultation, please submit the consultation form.
For new clients, a one-time 15-minute consultation is provided for free. However, submission of the consultation form is still required.
2. Comprehensive EMF Assessments
- Assess ambient background electric, magnetic, and radio frequency radiations surrounding the house (N/A for apartments).
- Assess electric and magnetic fields in the standard set of rooms.
- The standard set includes 3 bedrooms, kitchen, and either family or living room.
- Assess radio frequency (RF) radiations in the standard set of rooms:
- From cell towers
- From wireless routers
- From cordless phones
- Any other wireless source that is of concern to the homeowner
- Check RF radiation from Smart Meter (if applicable).
- Perform 9-point electric bed mappings in your most critical bedroom (usually master bedroom).
- Perform body voltage assessment and circuit breaker testing in your most critical bedroom (usually master bedroom).
- Assess “dirty electricity” in the standard set of rooms
- Check net current on water/cable/gas/phone lines as applicable .
- The above are in the standard assessment with a verbal report. Fee: see the questionnaire form on the right.
- Additional options:
- Electric field, magnetic field and RF radiation assessment for additional room.
- 9-point electric bed mapping for additional room.
- Body Voltage testing for additional room.
- Blower test to check service neutral (recommended only if plumbing current is detected)
- Professional written report (recommended, takes up to 5 business days).
The Process
- Complete the pre-assessment questionnaire for EMF.
- Upon receiving and reviewing it, we will contact you to discuss cost and schedule a date.
- Once the date is set, we will send you a link to make a $200 payment to reserve the date (refundable if you cancel at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled date and time). The balance will be due on the day of the assessment.
- After the assessment is done, you will be given a verbal report of the findings. There is no written report provided.
3. Pre-Purchase or Rental Home EMF Assessments
- As part of this assessment, we look for issues that are of major concern from EMF perspectives in that particular house or apartment.
- Assess ambient background electric, magnetic and radio frequency radiations that may be present around the house (N/A for apartment).
- Assess electric and magnetic fields in the standard set of rooms. The standard set includes 3 bedrooms, kitchen, and either family or living room.
- Assess radio frequency radiations in the standard set of rooms.
- Assess dirty electricity in the standard set of rooms.
- Check net current on water/cable/gas/phone lines /hvac disconnect box (when applicable).
- Look for signs of knob & tube wiring or other signs of obvious wiring problems.
- The above are in the standard assessment with a verbal report. Fee: See the questionnaire form on the right.
- Additional option: Professional written report (recommended, takes up to 5 business days).
The Process
- If purchasing a new home, stipulate in your contract that you would need EMF assessment done on the property and purchase the property upon satisfactory EMF report.
- If the contract is accepted, arrange with your realtor to obtain permission from the owner to conduct the EMF assessment.
- If it is a rental property, obtain permission from the landlord to have EMF assessment done on the unit.
- Complete the pre-assessment questionnaire for pre-purchase/rental. Upon receiving and reviewing it, we will contact you to discuss cost and schedule a date.
- Once the date is set, we will send you a link to make a $200 payment to reserve the date. The balance will be due on the day of the assessment.
- After the assessment is done, you will be given a verbal report of the findings. There is no written report provided.
4. Electromagnetic Radiation Reduction and Shielding
- Provide reduction strategies for electrical and magnetic fields, MEP, and RF radiations.
- Installation management.
- Provide follow-up assessments after shielding installations are done
The Process
- Have a Complete EMF Assessment done to identify the problems.
- Based on our recommendation, choose a reduction and shielding option.
- We will provide estimate for the installation costs, materials included.
- Following installations, we can re-assess the effects of the remediation.
5. Healthy Home Consulting for New Construction
- Review plan.
- Provide design recommendations to reduce EMF exposure.
- Provide design recommendations for electrical wiring.
- Recommend appropriate shielding materials.
- Includes initial site assessment, follow up inspections as needed, written recommendations, consultations via phone/email or face to face meetings with homeowner, architect, or builder.
The Process
- Initial site visit and EMF assessment on the site.
- Initial meeting with homeowner to understand concerns and budget scope.
- Meeting with builder and architect if requested.
- Prepare written recommendation
Additional meetings and consultations as requested. - Installation supervision as requested.
Below are some of the other services available.
6. Blower test for checking soundness of service neutral
If the utility service neutral is damaged or partially blocked, it can create elevated EMF in the house.
7. Plumbing current investigation
Water line or cable TV line can carry current from neighboring homes, which can create magnetic fields in the house.
8. Dielectric installation to block incoming current on plumbing pipe or cable TV line
9. Wiring error investigation
Incorrect wiring in the house can create elevated EMF in the house. We work with an electrician to identify wiring issues that need to be fixed.
10. Testing light bulbs
Not all light bulbs are good for health. We can test specific models of LEDs and other lights for levels of EMF and dirty electricity in comparison to generally safer incandescent light bulbs.